Location :
Niyazi Street 11/9 | Baku, Azerbaijan AZ1000
  • Call Us Now :

    +994(12) 492-07-07

  • Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10.00-18.00
    Wednesday 12.00-21.00
    Saturday, Sunday 11.00-19.00
    Day off: Monday

Azerbaijani Art

The museum's collection of Azerbaijani art showcases a rich tapestry of cultural heritage and centuries-old history. It houses approximately 10,000 exhibits that exemplify high artistic standards, spanning from the Bronze Age to the early 21st century. The collection includes ceramics, carpets, artistic embroidery, jewelry, toreutics, and other decorative and applied arts. These works, characterized by their exquisite forms, patterns, and imagery, convey valuable insights into the aesthetic tastes and beliefs of our ancestors. Azerbaijani art, built upon these high artistic foundations, has made a significant contribution to the global cultural treasury in the realm of fine arts. Notable examples include graphics and paintings from the Safavid and Qajar eras, which are displayed in the permanent exhibition and preserved in storage. Additionally, the museum features fine art that represents both realistic and avant-garde trends of the 20th century.
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Azərbaycan Milli İncəsənət Muzeyinin arxeoloji materiallardan ibarət kolleksiya Azərbaycanın müxtəlif bölgələrində aparılmış qazıntılardan toplanılmışdır. Mingəçevir, Şəki, Göygöl, Qəbələ, Naxçıvan və digər ərazilərdən aşkar edilmiş kiçik plastika nümunələri, keramika məmulatları, bədii silah və zərgərlik əşyaları, Bayıl qəsrinin XIII əsrə aid daş kitabələri xüsusi əhəmiyyət daşıyır.
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Azerbaijani painting is represented by a rich collection in the museum. It features works by prominent artists such as Mirza Gadim Iravani, Bahruz Kangarli, Gazanfar Khaligov, Alakbar Rzaguliyev, Salam Salamzadeh, Sattar Bahlulzadeh, Mikayil Abdullayev, Boyukaga Mirzazadeh, and Togrul Narimanbayov, who created some of the first examples of easel painting in the national fine arts. The collection also includes important works by Javad Mirjavadov, Tofig Javadov, Rasim Babayev, Kamal Ahmed, Ashraf Muradov, and other distinguished representatives of the Absheron art school, which represents a significant direction in 20th-century art.
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The diverse collection of Azerbaijani sculpture features works by prominent sculptors from the 20th and 21st centuries. The collection includes pieces by artists such as Fuad Abdurrahmanov, J. Garyagdi, Mirali Mirgasimov, Omar Eldarov, Tokay Mammadov, and others, showcasing a variety of styles and genres.
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The museum boasts an intriguing collection that showcases the long-standing evolution of Azerbaijani graphics. It features miniature works from the Safavid and Qajar periods, dating from the 17th to the 19th centuries. The collection includes pieces by notable artists such as Mirza Gadim Iravani, Mir Mohsen Navvab, Abbas Huseyni, Kaysar Kashiyeva, Bahruz Kangarli, Azim Azimzadeh, Alakbar Rzaguliyev, Maral Rahmanzadeh, and others, who utilized various graphic techniques.
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Decorative And Applied Art

The Azerbaijan National Museum of Art has a collection of rare and exquisite examples of decorative and applied art that brilliantly reflect the people's outlook, aesthetic taste, clothing and household culture. They include colorful pileless and pile carpets of the 17th-20th centuries, artistic embroidery, metal, ceramic, woodcarving samples of perfect beauty, form and design.