On December 6, a memorial evening entitled “Mirali Mirgasimov: Poetics of Stone” was held at the Azerbaijan National Museum of Art, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the People’s Artist, the great representative of the national school of sculpture Mirali Mirgasimov.

On December 6, a memorial evening entitled “Mirali Mirgasimov: Poetics of Stone” was held at the Azerbaijan National Museum of Art, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the People’s Artist, the great representative of the national school of sculpture Mirali Mirgasimov.

Director of the Azerbaijan National Museum of Art, Doctor of Philosophy in Art History Shirin Melikova welcomed the guests and emphasized the valuable contribution of easel and monumental sculptural monuments created over more than the half-century creative work by Mirali Mirgasimov to our fine art. People's Artist, Academician Omar Eldarov shared with the audience his sincere memories associated with his close friend and interesting events experienced during his student years.

In their speeches, the rector of the Azerbaijan Academy of Arts, People's Artist Natig Aliyev, People's Artist, Professor Fuad Salayev and Honored Cultural Worker Lala Eldarova spoke about the high artistic merits of Mirali Mirgasimov's work, noting that, despite his physical limitations, he amazed everyone with his determination, willpower and love for art.

Mirali Mirgasimov's brother, famous film director, People's Artist Ogtay Mirgasimov and his wife Naila Mirgasimova, as living witnesses of the sculptor's life, shared with the participants interesting moments of his life, known to his close circle, and on behalf of their family expressed gratitude to the Azerbaijan National Museum of Art for organizing such a heartfelt evening.

Later, a programme called "Sculptural Life" filmed in 2008 by Azerbaijan Television was shown. Four sculptures by Mirali Mirgasimov from the collection of the Azerbaijan National Museum of Art were also presented at the event - "Bust of a Girl", depicting the daughter of the famous artist, one of the founders of Azerbaijani theatrical and decorative art Rustam Mustafayev, and "Portrait of a Female Student", dedicated to Nina Aleksandrovna Kraynova, the wife of People's Artist of the USSR Vladimir Abramovich Etush, busts "Girl with a Dove", "Oilman Gurban".

It should be noted that presented works will be exhibited in the museum till the end of the year.       






  • Type :

  • Time :

    Dec. 6, 2024 - Dec. 6, 2024